Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Walter "Red" Smith Quote and Response

"There's nothing hard about writing.  All you have to do is sit down and open up a vein."
-Walter "Red" Smith

I believe that writing is extremely easy and I do not agree with this quote at all.  I can be given a topic to write about and write pages upon pages about it.  It isn't just words that I put down too.  What I write means something to me and is actually pretty good.  When we work on writing workshop I get the first draft done in a period.  It isn't that hard and I do not understand why everyone has so much trouble with it.  If you just open up your mind and your heart it is extremely easy.  Writing is a way to express yourself.  Writing an essay is one thing, but creative writing is another.  If you are given some freedom and just a general topic to write about, there should not be any problem.  I completely disagree with what Smith said, although I guess it does vary from person to person.

1 comment:

Portfolio said...

I agree that one must open up their mind and heart in order for the words to come but it is sometimes hard to do so. I wish i could write as easily on any topic like you!